Citizen-led design for better cities 


The Better Cities Initiative listens deeply to citizens, prototyping new pathways, new processes, and new ways to empower civic leadership in city-making.

The Better Cities Initiative starts with citizen knowledge and desires, working upwards and outwards from there to create better neighbourhoods, better cities.

Listening deeply to citizens and communities, we help rebuild trust and upskill your community. We show how to put community at the heart of planning, creating innovative ways of making cities better for everyone.

We engage, educate, and empower citizens and communities, eliciting local wisdom and sourcing global exemplars to create liveable, loveable, and sustainable solutions for urban living.

Drawing expertise from a diverse range of architects, planners, lawyers, environmentalists and engineers, we enable citizen-led design for healthier, lovelier, and more sustainable neighbourhoods.

Through alliances with citizens, organizations, communities, and councils, our design-led advocacy illustrates better, healthier urban futures for all.

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